Ixelles. A commune inside a commune. The commune in which Audrey Hepburn was born. A lovely community in which I once lived. La Parisienne of Brussels.

And there, Place du Châtelain. On Wednesdays, after work. Ambience, international and exciting. Traditional food, delicatessen, flowers and drinks. Rosé with ice. Or beer. Beautiful women, handsome men, conversations, arguments, kisses and laughter. French, English, Arabic, Finnish, Swedish and many more languages. Trés chic!

Flaneur Rue du Bailli. Eat Sushi at Makisu. Drink a beer at Supra Bailly; pretend you’re an artist or a writer. Make a date, talk to strangers, eat something delicious at the market (I always had Pad Thai) and buy your weekly vegetables.

And smile; there’s wine!

Foto: Place du Châtelain. Au printemps 2013

PS: Hope this nonsense has been forgotten. We don’t need another Finland in this Europe.