
Wir Waren Freunde


Rovaniemi & Wir Waren Freunde – We Were Friends. The encounters of Germans and Finns in Lapland during 1940-1944. Temporary exhibition in the Provincial Museum of Lapland in Arktikum from 27th of April 2015 to 10th of January 2016.

Go and see. There are few of us for which this is highly personal subject, but even if you do not belong to this category, I recommend you to go and see. Because the exhibition reminds so well that after all, we are just humans.

it was just two young people falling in love, no one’s nationality was asked

Lapin maakuntamuseon näyttely Wir Waren Freunde. Saksalaisten ja suomalaisten kohtaamisia Lapissa 1940–1944. Arktikumissa Rovaniemellä 27.4.2015–10.1.2016. Pieni näyttely, suuri ja tärkeä aihe. Menkää!

Published by

Tiina Kivelä

Finnish escapades, as a friend once described.

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